Sunday, September 26, 2010

Disturbed Children

I was always a little off, even as a child. I mean,  I'm a little "off" now, but signs of my possible mental handicap started long before young adulthood. For example, here was a list of things that I really, really really really wanted to happen.

This is the list. Some I've even complete!
-Cry tears of joy
-Get a bloody nose
-Get a black eye
-Work in a nursing home for old people

-I wanted to be so happy I would cry. I had seen it on a TV movie once, and wanted to try it. This childhood ambition was actually fulfilled, at four years old my mom got pregnant and I was moved to tears (of joy).

The rest of my dreams remain unsatisfied. I really couldn't tell you why, other than that these may (or may not) be hard to come by. Also, up until recently I have chosen not to disclose this information for fear people would think I'm a freak. They do.

-Get a bloody nose. It seemed cool at the time, m'kay? Not one of those wimpy things either, with the allergies and dry air and- NOPE. I wanted to get whacked in the face with a ball or a fist, and bleed perfuciously from my face.

-Get a black eye. This is partially done, I did give my brother a black eye once. But it was on accident. I consider this item about 1/3 completed.

-Work in a nursing home for old people. Not doing that. Nope.

What were your childhood ambitions?
 --The Bloody Girl

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